You’ll always see Zory enjoying life!


Zory, a little girl who enjoys life to the fullest
In the short film hair love, it is important to enjoy life. It’s a beautiful morning as the film shows all of zory’s pictures and shows her in her bed,

Early in the animated short Hair Love, the theme was enjoy life. As her cat meows and wakes zory up she pats her cat then looks at the calendar She was enjoying life when she got woken up by her cat. When she rushes and gets her dress and shoes on, She was enjoying life by getting dressed.

In the middle of the animated short Hair Love, the theme was Enjoy life. She grabbed her tablet and went to the bathroom, She was Enjoying life Doing her hair As she is looking on her tablet to find the hairstyle of choice in a tough debate between her and her cat she found one and held up the comb, and was ready
She was enjoying life by looking to find a hairstyle

At the end of the animate short Hair love, the theme was enjoy life.
Her dad walks in and is shocked he rushes her to her room and tries to do her hair.
She was enjoying life by having her dad help with her hair.
Zory and her dad get ready to go see her mom and when they get there zory runs to her mom’s lap and pats her mom’s bald head. She was enjoying life by visiting her mom in the hospital.


It is key to enjoy life because it might make someone’s day if you’re nice to them. In the animated short Hair Love, the theme of enjoying life shows how good it is to Love life.


What is one thing you like to enjoy in your life?


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